Congratulations to Dr. Farzan Sasangohar, PhD, who has received two HFES – Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES) awards: The William C. Howell Young Investigator Award and The Bentzi Karsh Early-Career Service Award for the 2021 year! Established in 2013, The William C. Howell Young Investigator Award provides an award plaque to a person recognized for demonstrating outstanding contributions to HFES through professional scientific contributions as a young investigator. This award recognizes the talent, creativity, and influence of a singular young researcher. Established in 2013, The Bentzi Karsh Early-Career Service Award provides an award plaque to a person recognized for demonstrating outstanding contributions to HFES through professional service and outreach activities as a student and early-career professional. This award recognizes the impact this individual has had on raising the public’s awareness of human factors/ergonomics science.