Michael Dvorkin is an undergraduate researcher in the Applied Cognitive Ergonomics Lab (ACE-Lab). He is an experienced Emergency Medical Technician pursuing a Bachelors of Science in Public Health as well as a minor in Occupational Safety and Health (OCSH). He is currently researching non-invasive methods for continuous glucose monitoring of hypoglycemic patients. The long term goal is to increase access for underserved communities, as well as increasing aesthetic wearability, accuracy of the sensor, and overall quality of life for patients living with frequent hypoglycemic episodes.
- Email: mdvorkin@tamu.edu

Education & Work
- B.S., Public Health, 2021 (Anticipated), Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
Work Experience
- Texas A&M University EMS, Emergency Medical Technician, College Station, TX (09/2017—08/2019)
- Angeleve Ambulance and Transport, Emergency Medical Technician, San Antonio, TX (06/2018—08/2018)
- Port Royal Resort and Conference Center, Lifeguard/First-Aid, Port Aransas, TX (06/2017—08/2017)
- Non-Invasive Continuous Glucose Monitoring of Hypoglycemia (PI: Karim Zahed)